Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mahahual and Muyil

A well deserved weekend break from teaching took us all to the sleepy town of Mahaual on the Mexican coast, perfect for lazing on the beach and snorkelling on the reef. Soon to be the next victim of mass tourism, bringing wealth to the area, we hope, and the inevitable damage to the reef, lagoon and mangrove ecosystem.

Been snorkelling for the first time in my life, an amazing if a little scary experience, viewing life on a fringing reef as if you are in an aquarium. Attempting to climb back in the boat highlights just how weak I have become, a long way to go to get my upper body strength back. Kudos to my 11 year old daughter for scuba diving.

Thanks to the Fireflies for their amazing display of dancing light in the darkness of the mangroves under a fabulous star filled sky.

Had a rather bizarre conversation with some of my students, about witches and spell casting. I have been told to visit a particular restaurant in the back of beyond, where I will be cast with a spell of love.
Now all I have to do is find it and we will see what happens!

A short trip to the ancient Mayan town of Muyil lying within the Sian Kaan bio-reserve reminds me of an event that happened 27 years ago in Nepal while visiting a Hindu Temple complex, the first 2 pictures of Garuda guarding the complex came out half exposed and the rest blank, today my 2 sets of camera batteries failed as we approached the sacred Crocodile shrine amidst the lagoon swamplands. Make of this what you will!

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