Saturday, February 25, 2006


17118 Suns have risen over my life, THe M1 motorway in England and the Mini motor car.
Thanks are given for each and every sunrise, as it is each and every day.
I wonder how many full and new moons that has been.
Soul and Spirit embarked on the path unknowing.
Soul and Spirit may depart the path unknowing.
The Journey is now. The Dream is now.
Now is Life.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Tulum TEFL

Four weeks training with seven hours teaching classes makes me a qualified community Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, with a certificate and all, according to Global Vision International.
But the best qualification can only be what our students think. Judging by the banner, the smiles, the friendship shown and the fact that everyone came to the end of course fiesta, I guess we did a good job.
Most of these great people will be joining the next set of classes at the Tulum house of culture, which will be my first entire course, 16 lessons with 18 students.
I have been thinking about what to do after the next 6 weeks are over, unfortunately it looks like the Mexican government has made my decision for me, we all have to leave the country at the end of March when our work visas expire.

Sacbe: Mayan word meaning 'White Road' and the name of an environmental community being created at Playa del Carmen. With money you can join this project aimed at promoting sustainable living; solar and wind power, recycled waste water, compost toilets and other ideas. An interesting place to visit, with an amphitheater built into a cenote. An unusual counterpoint to the large housing estate development as a neighbour.